ViajarAlmundo Recensioni

Valutazione totale 1.25


Voto calcolato da 4 voti

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Molto buona

Descrizione ViajarAlmundo

ViajarAlmundo is here to help you out in your endeavor. We offer countless flights to a number of domestic and international destinations. So, you are bound to find a flight to your preferred destinations no matter where in the world you want to travel to.

Our travel experts also help in procuring flights with marked down prices so that you get discounts on your flight tickets and get to travel for cheap. Not only that, we also help you find hotels providing excellent services and amenities within your travel budget. So, no more waiting. Chase your travel dreams today.

- bad
Tilly T, 2021-05-29

Is worst booking site I’ve booked with. So many people called my phone days before my flight telling me about some fees. I simply was told I did need to pay anymore money I will never book ,this company again scam!!

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- bad
Ana D, 2021-05-17

I did the entire process of buying my flight ticket and the website somehow changed my information. I ended with a flight I did not desire to buy and not reimbursement. I contacted customer service to find a resolution, and I’m still waiting.

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- bad
Jackye Spencer, 2021-02-11

My flight got changed and i did not receive an email or phone call. I went to the airport when I thought my flight was suppose to fly but wasted my time. The airline told me they sent an email that the flight changed to a sketchy email. Don’t buy from this site.

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- Poor
Fabian Lard, 2020-09-15

Unprofessional agency, the flight time change but ViajarAlmundo did not notify me, due to their lack of communication I missed the flight and when I told the agency they said that I should of checked myself.

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