Tailor Brands Recensioni

Valutazione totale 2.25


Voto calcolato da 4 voti

Molto debole
Molto buona

Descrizione Tailor Brands

We empower millions of customers around the world to kick start their business with easy-to-use branding anf design tools. Our AI platform helps anyone look professional from the start by making it simple (and fun!) to create a unique online brand identity in minutes and with zero design experience.

We created Tailor Brands with the mission of democratizing branding, and making it simple for anyone to get their business off the ground. We want to empower businesses, by making people believe in them. And we do this by giving everyone access to good branding and design.

- Poor
Taywana, 2020-12-17

This site is very difficult to set up. We paid for the premium service subscription and it’s extremely hard to set our website. I would definitely go with another provider that officer this service.

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- bad
Rysia, 2020-12-16

I remain deeply disappointed with my experience. When I then contacted Customer Support about a separate formatting issue to support my logo on my business cards, I was told “we can’t do that”. Not ‘that’s not in your plan’ or ‘there is a charge for that’ but, a graphic design company told me they can’t make minor formatting changes to a logo they created.

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- Excellent
Ramill, 2020-10-05

Nice tools and good customer Service. I highly recommend Tailor Brands for small businesses. Overall, very useful service, plenty of tools for branding, all backed by a great support.

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- bad
Aliciaa, 2020-07-08

This is the first time I have ever been scammed like this and I do not trust them at all. I would steer clear of this business AT ALL COSTS. Absolutely horrible. Will be warning others so they do not make the same mistake I did.

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