Monnit Recensioni

Valutazione totale 1.25


Voto calcolato da 4 voti

Molto debole
Molto buona

Descrizione Monnit

Monnit is a driver of this remarkable era of connected things and people. Today, running a business smarter, faster, better means you must connect to IoT advancements. Why? For all that actionable data.

It’s IoT data that fuels the most rewarding, innovative business solutions. That’s why Monnit’s committed to being the global leader in generating data from the things that boost your business performance.Monnit Remote Monitoring Solutions give you the data you need to solve your business challenges. The actionable data we provide anytime, anywhere is the solution for virtually any application or use case.

- bad
Hawes R, 2021-03-13

I called support multiple times they agreed they were unable to help me get the problem resolved we never could figure out what caused the issue so I decided to go with the cloud service. Purchasing and attempting to use the sensor was such a hassle it's sits in a drawer to this day.

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- bad
Zinas S, 2021-01-29

I truly do not feel valued as a customer of Monnit, where business practices are at best mediocre. We most definitely are looking into other service providers because working with Monnit has been terrible.

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- Poor
Beth M, 2021-01-03

The customer service was virtually non-existent during efforts to resolve the many billing discrepancies. We were so frustrated from the poor performance fo the equipment and worse response to billing problems, that we cancelled the service.

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- bad
Kimiko D, 2020-06-29

I checked our notification settings. All our methods of notification were clicked off. This is after I was able to renew our premier contract. So we would not have gotten any notification if our devices were not working. They talked very nicely but I didn't enjoy communicating with them.

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