Invoice2go Recensioni

Valutazione totale 1.75


Voto calcolato da 4 voti

Molto debole
Molto buona

Descrizione Invoice2go

Our mission is to simplify the lives of small business owners around the world so they can focus on what matters most.

We empower users with straightforward tools that go far beyond creating professional-looking invoices and estimates. Our software enables users to easily manage appointments, track time and expenses, and offer digital payment options. We save users time, help them get paid faster, and ensure that tax season is a breeze.

The number of freelancers and small business owners is skyrocketing. In the past 5 years, more than 4 million freelancers and small companies joined the US economy. Almost 30% of all Americans are now self-employed.

- Average
Donnie, 2021-05-04

I have great success since I started using this app it has been a wonderful help and it is so easy to get paid when I’m completed with a job thank you for your service.

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- bad
Gordon, 2021-04-08

Can't remove categories. System crashes when going back trough expenses while you're right in the middle of researching. Many things changing, to many things to not like. Really awful app.

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- Poor
Edmond, 2020-12-21

No support at all. Ignored support requests and live chat is so poor. As a company you have gone downhill with silly pricing. We bought and paid for a license years which they removed, our license was for a fully paid life time service.

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- bad
Falmin, 2020-07-16

They keep making changes. Which makes it hard to get anything done. I will not refer this to any one. Overly complicated and too much self promotion. I feel stuck to this app due to all of my data that is stored there.

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