Fidelity Life Association Recensioni

Valutazione totale 1.25


Voto calcolato da 4 voti

Molto debole
Molto buona

Descrizione Fidelity Life Association

 Fidelity Life’s been creating life insurance policies that meet the needs of everyday people. We’re continually applying new technologies and processes to make it easier, faster, and more affordable for today’s families to get the coverage they need. here are a range of affordable Fidelity Life products to choose from based on your situation and financial responsibilities.

Supporting individuals, families, and the community is at the heart of our work. The Fidelity Life family believes in our individual and collective ability to have a positive impact in our neighborhoods and in the world.

- bad
Danna Keys, 2021-01-26

It was impossible to speak to anyone. Every call I made had to have a message recorded and no one ever called me back. Today I made the last call that I will make. So disappointed!

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- bad
Russell Crow, 2020-12-28

They did not respond to e-mails they did not provide the needed information. This could have all been avoided if your organization would have been willing to accept my medical records directly from my doctor. I had a full exam with tests 60 days ago.

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- Poor
Lisa Jones, 2020-11-11

I was asked to verify my email and now they don't call because verifying my email defaulted my contact method to email. I'm being bounced around to different reps and I'm about over it!

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- bad
Mike Worth, 2020-09-15

Their customer service is awful and unprofessional. They lied about the price they told me and then tried to charge me a higher price without my consent. I declined the change. I called customer service numerous times with no response.

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