Trim Recensioni

Valutazione totale 2.20


Voto calcolato da 5 voti

Molto debole
Molto buona

Descrizione Trim

Trim is a financial health company. Our mission is to solve your financial problems so that you can live the life you want.In 2015, we started by tackling spending. Need to cancel an old subscription? Is your cable provider overcharging you? Trim can automatically take care of it. These easy-to-understand features gave Trim users immediate value and allowed us to gain their trust.

As Trim grew, we started to tackle bigger financial problems, surrounding all aspects of your financial life. Now we’re working on the hard stuff. How do I get out of debt? Do I have enough money in my emergency savings fund? Will I have enough money to retire someday? Am I financially healthy?

- Great
Marlenne Dennith, 2021-03-04

I don't have to think about negotiating at all. It is on autopilot and I would recommend this to ANYONE that needs a time saver and a great money saver! They do all the work to save me money and are very good at communicating!

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- bad
Sherry Martins, 2021-01-31

They charge you for the cancelation and then have to pay to get it back. Now I have no money to even put gas in my car. That’s not worth it!

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- bad
Nick Randon, 2020-12-03

When they negotiated my bill, they actually increased my plan cost and losing data. I realize what the service is trying to do but for me it was absolutely not worth it.

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- Poor
Paul Vllierent, 2020-11-18

The discounts on the phone bill they claimed they negotiated never showed up on the bills. And yet the charges to my credit card for their services were made. Disappointed with the service.

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- Average
Bryan Trudette, 2020-11-18

I have been blown away by the savings that Trim has gotten for me. But now I a a little disappointed. Signed up for premium and canceled it after 6 months, ended up paying some money for nothing.

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