Neighbor Recensioni

Valutazione totale 1.25


Voto calcolato da 4 voti

Molto debole
Molto buona

Descrizione Neighbor

Through Neighbor, homeowners turn their garages, basements, RV pads, etc. into extra monthly income and renters are given a flexible and affordable storage alternative. Demand for self storage has never been higher in the USA and supply is limited, which means high prices and inflexible contract agreements.

We at Neighbor are striving to provide homeowners with extra monthly income and renters with a storage solution at 50% the traditional price. We are revolutionizing the definition of a storage facility and how people use public storage by lowering costs, empowering the individual hosts, and creating a safe, secure, trustworthy platform for them to rent out their storage space on.

- bad
Terrence A, 2021-06-08

I immediately got a reserved & paid reply. Minutes later the host texts and says there is no space available, do not come! No one at Neighbor answers the phone, no one at neighbor responds to emails. The hosts are just as bad.

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- bad
Julia G, 2021-06-03

The space I rented was a fraud, and I’ve been trying to contact neighbor for 3 weeks trying to let them know to remove the fraud and provide me reimbursement. It’s been an extremely disappointing experience.

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- Poor
Andy F, 2020-10-17

The host nor neighbor took any responsibility and have failed to respond to any of my calls or emails sent to resolve the matter. Currently in process of filing a civil suit in small claims for breach of contract agreement. STAY AWAY FROM USING THIS SITE

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- bad
Veronica R, 2020-10-07

After creating an account to type form, the link they provided was only for an admin & so I cannot get to the form. There is an error message. I had to schedule out a week to talk with someone. They obviously hope I will go away.

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